On May 7 arrived at our school a task panel of 5 persons for the annual check of private schools, led by Lu Xucheng, director of private education section of the Municipal Bureau of Education of Anqing, for a comprehensive examination of the running of our school in the past year, as accompanied by Principal Huang Wenli, Vice Principals Liu Bing and Yan Hongping and Director Lao Guolin.
In the meeting, Principal Huang expressed warm welcome and heartily-felt gratitude to the task panel. She maintained that annual check and evaluation is a good opportunity for the school to develop and improve its running, and therefore our school had always put much emphasis on this task by undertaking serious self-checks on the running of the school in general and the detailed work in particular. She also hoped the task panel would provide its opinions to guide the school’s further development.
The task panel then listened to the self-check report by Principal Huang on the running of our school in the year 2014, followed by meetings with some of the teachers and students and reading of the written materials prepared by our school, and field checks at classrooms, dorms, cafeterias, the school archives room and the gym.
Representing the panel, Director Lu in the end provided feedback on the annual check, highly affirming what has been achieved by our school in terms of hardware equipment, educational quality, institutional establishment and manners of teachers and students, as well as recommending how to strengthen management of scientific research and improve intensive development at our school.